Will I Receive an Order/Shipment Confirmation Email?

Yes, we do send order and shipment confirmation emails!

When you've completed placing your order on our website you will reach an order confirmation page that shows you your order number and confirms all the details of your order. Within 20 minutes of reaching this order confirmation page, you should receive an order confirmation email showing the same information. If you don't see this email in your email inbox it could be one of a few problems:

  1. You may not have completed your order! To check, did you reach the Order Confirmation page (which showed you your order number)? If not, then visit your shopping cart - if your items are still in the cart, your order was not finalized.
    1. If you were paying using PayPal, after going to PayPal's site to confirm your payment, you will be returned to our website. On this page you have to click on a button to confirm your order. If you don't click on this button the order not be finalized (and no payment will go though).
  2. The email ended up in your Spam/Junk folder. Please check by searching that folder for "OutOfAir". If you find it in there, please mark it as Not Junk so that hopefully future order/shipment confirmation emails don't end up going there as well.
  3. You may have had a typo in your email address - Contact Us and we can check on it for you.
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